Strengthening communities in Africa spiritually, emotionally, and physically by educating local leaders.
African Leadership

Transforms lives and communities through Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Acts of Compassion.
Africa New Life
African Road

AJS is an organization of Brave Christians dedicated to making Honduras' system of laws and government work properly to Do Justice for the poor, while inspiring other Christians to do justice.
Akola Project

The Aruna Project creates lifelong freedom through employment marked by holistic care to sexually enslaved women.

Capable equips those who need it most with the knowledge, resources, and skills necessary to start a business and permanently transition out of poverty.

Discipling Marketplace Leaders educates, equips, and empowers the local church to establish a ministry that disciples every believer to live out work as worship and mission.

Eben-Ezer University is in the DRC and is the only university in it's community. They focus on entrepreneurship, development and teaching skills.
Eben-Ezer University

At Endiro Coffee our vision is to be a company that partners with others to end child vulnerability globally through coffee and its people, related products, profits, services, spaces and stories.
Endiro Coffee

Exile International has provided life-changing care to over 3,700 war-affected children. Through holistic care programs addressing the needs of the mind, body, and spirit – rescued child soldiers and orphaned children are being restored in D.R.Congo and Uganda.
Exile International

Five Talents’ vision is to eradicate extreme poverty by restoring human dignity and creating strong, sustainable communities.
Five Talents

Hiinga is a Christian economic development organization with a mission to create jobs by investing in African entrepreneurs so they can thrive.

HOPE invests in the dreams of families in the world's underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel.
Hope International

IJM’s mission is to protect the poor from violence by rescuing victims, bringing the criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts.

Imani uplifts millions of underprivileged children in Uganda through high quality, holistic education.
Imani Academy

Imani Collective unleashes greatness within artisans + their communities by crafting ethical lifestyle products that cultivate holistic empowerment and opportunity.
Imani Collective

JoyCorps partners with missional entrepreneurs to build strong businesses and flourishing communities.
Kula Project

LIA empowers local churches to serve the poor and vulnerable, creating sustainable transformation in their communities.
Life in Abundance
Mission Lazarus

Nehemiah Vision Ministries is focused on equipping Haitians physically, socially, mentally and spiritually to live productively and participate in the rebuilding of Haiti.
New Story

Nomi's mission is to create economic opportunities for survivors and women at risk of human trafficking by equipping them with leadership, entrepreneurship, and production skills to become financially independent.
Nomi Network

ORPHANetwork rescues abandoned, abused, and orphaned children, and prevents vulnerable children from becoming abandoned through the local church.

PWW mobilizes long-term, hands-on global relationships to form a powerful Christian network that uses business as the way to create flourishing economic environments in all parts of the world.
Partners Worldwide

Plant With Purpose empowers the rural poor to change their communities through environmental restoration, economic development, and spiritual growth.
Plant with Purpose
Rays of Hope

Redeem partners with local law enforcement in real cases that bring restoration and redemption to individual victims and hold their abusers accountable for their crimes.
Restavek Freedom

ROSE believes faith-driven, female entrepreneurs will end global poverty. We uplift local leaders to empower women in poverty as entrepreneurs to create jobs, earn a dignified income, and provide for their families.
Rose Women’s Foundation
Seed Effect

Sinapis empowers entrepreneurs professionally and spiritually using training and a global support network so they can grow to the next level and transform the world around them.

"We follow Jesus where the need is greatest and work alongside the local church to overcome poverty and injustice."

The Freedom Story prevents child trafficking & exploitation through culturally relevant programs for vulnerable children.
The Freedom Story

TonCedar's holistic approach to growth launches missional entrepreneurs to build excellent businesses with a positive impact to family, community and culture.

Ubuntu seeks to provide access to essential services and promote social inclusion for children with special educational and physical needs throughout Kenya.
Ubuntu Foundation

Providing those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family and their community.
World Hope
World Relief

World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
World Vision

The mission of Young Life is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them to grow in their faith.